

We Accept All Major Cards including debit and credit cards

We Accept Apple pay and google pay, when using Apple or Google Pay please make you provide an email address, without an email address most transactions will not be Authorised in most cases, 

And Also All transactions are 3D activated so you have to be authorised by text or apps provided by the bank 

For large Payment over 10000 GBP you have to contact us before purchase, If you have any difficulties when making payment please contact we will send you an electronic invoice to pay online with a 3D facility

As soon as the order number is generated we will process your order within 15 minutes. 

Pay by Check 

We Accept by Check, Please Email your product id and full delivery address, and We will create an account, or you can create an accountPlease Post your check to TIEDEX LIMITED, 10 Aldine Avenue North, Slough SL1 1RS.  We will send you the Invoice By email, as soon as the check is cleared your order number will be generated and emailed automatically. As soon as the order number is generated, we will process your order within 15 minutes. 

Bank Transfer 

We Accept Bank transfers, Please Email your product id and full delivery address, and We will create an account you can create an account we will send you the Invoice By email, as soon as payment is deposited your order number will be generated and emailed automatically. As soon as the order number is generated, we will process your order within 15 minutes. 


We accept PayPal online Payments and PayPal invoice payments